Ashtanga Yoga Paris
Ashtanga Yoga Paris' 15th Anniversary
Fifteen years ago, I gave the first class in the small room that I called Ashtanga Yoga Paris. Before opening that day, I wondered if anyon...
The Root Chakra
I did this article for my friend's new really cool magazine. It's about Muladhara, the first chakra which is pretty relevant to u...
David Keil's Visit to AYP
As many of you know, I'm an avid anatomy lover. So, as you can imagine, finding an Ashtangi that is an even bigger anatomy geek than ...
Smiling Sends Positive Messages to the Brain & Others!
Friendliness Many of us live in a big city surrounded by so many other human beings. However, if we pause and reflect, w...
La Bienveillance
La Bienveillance Nombre d’entre nous vivent dans une grande ville au milieu d’autres ĂȘtres humains. Cependant si nous prenions le te...
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